Mechatronics provides telematic solutions with focus at remote fuel consumption monitoring and axle load monitoring.
The precise knowledge of the amount of fuel in the tank helps to optimize time and place of filling as well as prevent fuel thefts. Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensor offers accurate fuel calculation and is compatible with most fleet tracking systems and hardware and software for data acquisition. We set ourselves the challenge in designing the fuel level sensor Dominator to provide a new level of capabilities.
In many cases fuel flow measurement with the help of Eurosens fuel flowmeters is the most appropriate and cost-effective method for tracking actual fuel consumption. Mechatronics produces fuel flowmeters from Eurosens specifically designed to measure fuel consumption in vehicle fuel lines, agricultural machinery, diesel generators, ships, etc Eurosens flowmeters are available for different fuel rates – 100, 250, 500, 1500 l / h Unlike fuel level sensors in a tank, flow-type fuel flow sensors provide accurate fuel consumption figures (with an error of 1-2% of actual fuel consumption) under all operating conditions of the vehicle. We produce fuel consumption meters of an autonomous form with display as well.